Saturday, January 15, 2011

I maybe crazy...

So as much fun as I had doing this whole blog thing last April, once I threw my diet attempt out with reckless abandon, I really didn't see much of a point in continuing on with filling you all in with my (lack?) of healthy eating attempts. I suppose I could have blogged just how badly I was eating, but I didn't want to admit it to myself, let alone the world wide web (or the family/friend wide web.) It's funny how after weeks of admitting by bad habits here and dicussing attempts to rectify them, I fell right into my old tricks one weekend. I went to the Boynton one night for dinner with my girlfriends and said "You know what? I am gonna enjoy my weekend and start fresh on Monday." Guess what? I DIDN'T START FRESH. SHOCKER!!!! Never once have I uttered those words and have them come true. Those words generally signal the death of whatever health trend I am currently undertaking and this case was no exception. I continued on to Monday and never looked back. Patrick and I tried WW in August for a week, but then we went on vacation and a Patriots preseason game so the meetings fell by the wayside. I think I weighed in once. I sit. 9 months later and 20 el-be's heavier than I was when I first blogged for all (who are my friends on facebook) to read. Ugh. I had a great summer and an even greater vacation/honeymoon in Las Vegas, but now I am paying DEARLY for the greatness. I put on a shirt that was fitting pretty nicely before Thanksgiving and almost suffocated. Not pretty. If it had had buttons, it would have been like those Subway commercials where the pressure from the stomach of the person eating the burger is just too much for one shirt to handle.

So again I made the decision to get back on to this merry-go-round from Hell and join WW again. Now I know what you're all thinking..."Now Caiti, isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results??" To which my reply is "Why yes, yes it is." Raise you're hand if you know how this story ends. I do great for about 40 or 50 pounds or so and then BAM! Failure. And while I can't guarantee that this time is going to be any different, I truly have to believe that it will. For my sake, for Patrick's sake, for everyone's sake.

WW mixed it up a little and changed some things on me. Points used to be based on fat, calories, and fiber. Now those little soul suckers are based on protein, carbs, fat, and fiber. Carbs? CARBS?! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!! Not carbs!!!!!!!!!! If any of you remember anything from the first time it surely must be my supreme, undying looooooooove of carbs. I couldn't believe they did this to me. My friendly neighborhood cult, I mean meeting leader, Marlene, explained the new system and how it is "better science", but all I heard was "blah, blah, kiss carbs goodbye, blah." Devastating. Soul sucking. How could the WW nerds do this to me?????

Now there are advantages to this new system. I get more points a day than previously. I can have a little bit of Promise Light on my bread now instead of spray butter, which let's face it, is liquid cancer in a bottle. Fruits are zero points, which is super exciting. My hands are smelling permanently liek clementines from all the little oranges I have been putting back. It isn't all bad. (Happy there, WW nerds?? You aren't totally evil incarnate.)

What I don't like is that all my little one and two point filler have gone up to three or four points. Italian bread gained a point per slice. Now that may not seem like much, but it's the principle. I NEVER paid attention to carbs before and now that little number glares at me from the nutrition label. I can't even begin to IMAGINE what this system does to my Panera loves and quite frankly, I'm afraid to find out.

Now here is my biggest and best idea yet. Instead of stopping every 2 feet in the grocery store to look up point values, I think Hannaford should be organized by the points system. Start at 1 on one side and work up as you move through the store. I sent an email...we'll see the response I get.

I lost four pounds my first week following the new plan. Not amazing, but it's a start.

So here I am, back again to regail you all with my highs and lows and ups and downs and ice creams and veggies. I have to believe that this isn't insanity, but rather a fresh perspective. I have a lot to lose, in many different ways and if I start thinking I will just end the same way as all the other times I am only setting myself up for failure. So bear with me. Sit down and buckle could be a bumpy ride.


  1. Yay! You cn do it, I'm glad you're being my ww partner!

  2. I tried WW with Amy and MaryLynne a few years back and it actually worked pretty well. We all lost some el bees. It was tough to count points for EVERYTHING we consumed. Especially for alcoholic drinks. I always dreaded the weekly weigh-ins. I would cheat during the week and then starve myself the days before weigh-in. I think you have to commit yourself to staying on the plan for the rest of your life for it to work. I got down to my ideal weight range and then stopped going, and I've been slowly putting on the lbs ever since. I wish you the best of luck Caiti. You are a beautiful, intelligent, witty, and amazing person and regardless of your weight that will never change.

  3. We can do it girls....we are in this together!
